FullHD film, 4:44 min

The film deals with the desire of the late 1950s for a new beginning, recovery and the forgetting of the horrors of the war and Nazi times in Germany. Many families kept silent about the violence they had experienced and preferred to repress the past rather than deal with it.
In her video „Die Faust“ (The Fist), Veronika Veit takes a very concrete look at the mother-daught-er relationship. The scene takes place in a staid décor from the early 1960s; here, too, it is about memory. In this work, the artist illuminates the relationship between her two protagonists in detail. Mother and daughter are connected by the typically female ritual of winding yarn and a grey wool thread respectively. The mother seems content, completely fulfilled by her role; the girl is obe-dient, but there is also defiance in her attitude. Her behaviour does not change even when a fish suddenly jumps out of the coffee pot. The mother authoritatively maintains control over the event and finally bites off the head of the troublemaker. Afterwards, like all monster mothers, she calmly purses her lips.
(Andrea Holzherr: Mythos Kindheit, Ludwigshafen, 2010)